e) Healthcare foods and foods for Specific dietary makes use of that have not been permitted by qualified authorities or authorized authorities or law on the region of origin, or the results, ideal customers and use Guidelines to the label have not been confirmed from the exporting place.Liên h? v?i chúng tôi H? th?ng Vinmec Tìm bác s? B?o hi?… Read More
B?n ph?i ??ng nh?p ho?c ??ng ký Thành Viên TVPL Professional ?? s? d?ng ???c ??y ?? các ti?n ích gia t?ng liên quan ??n n?i dung TCVN.Theo thông tin t? trang tin t?c Y khoa cho bi?t, m?t s? ??c tính c?a thu?c không kê ??n g?m:B?n ph?i ??ng nh?p ho?c ??ng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro ?? s? d?ng ???c ??y ?? các ti?n ích gia t?ng liên quan … Read More